Tiller extension bolt


New Member
The tiller and tiller extension broke in my last sail before winter last year. It was 25 mph winds with gusts to 45 mph and my old time rudder released every time I turned into the wind. Looking back, it was exillerating although at the time I wondered if anyone would find my body if I fell. Anyway, I've made a new tiller and extension out of mahogany. It appears that the connecting bolt is only a 1/4 diameter bolt and nut. To keep the bolt from "digging" through the wood, has anyone thought about using a plastic or nylon bushing in the hole or some other method of connection. Someday, I'll probably get a universal aluminum extension but for now I'd appreciate any thoughts.
Anything bigger than the 1/4" bolt makes the tiller wood very thin. The best way to go is the aluminum tiller extensions. YOu can get 36" long ones (my typical one) at www.intensitysails.com for less than $25. He sells a 48 in long extension in teh Sunfish section. The 36 in long one is in the Daysailor section.
And get a 'universal' to make the connection.
Make sure the extension fits the universal.

Thanks, I'm placing an order now (new halyard and clips also). Since my current wooden extension is 24", I'm going with the intensity 36". I've emailed the supplier as to which adapter is needed to make the connection as the one they sell is under a different brand name.
Thanks, Hopefully, I can get a couple more coats of varnish on my new tiller, get the extension and head out this weekend!
I made this tiller for my Viking. The tiller that came with it (including the extension) was barely long enough to reach the cockpit.
The extension came from a Phantom tiller. The Phantom tiller has a rubber piece the extension snaps into to hold it in place when you're not using it. I added a strip of the loop part of Velco to protect the deck.
