No regrets

Sailor Matt

New Member
finally got back to sailing after many years of watching and wishing from glad to have found this forum as it seems there is no subject pertaining to sunfish sailing technique/rigging/modification/repair/philosophy that has not already been discussed...kudos to all!
learned to sail many years ago on a borrowed, late-70's vintage 'fish, and I appreciate the small but significant upgrades the '14 model sports.
I traded in a Hobie Bravo cat that I purchased last year thinking I would like to have the catamaran experience at an entry level price...what a mistake! The 'fish is so much easier to rig, trailer, and sail hands down. had to put down a little more cash and lose a couple weeks sailing to make the trade but I don't regret it for a second.
have already had more fun with the 'fish than all last year with the bravo. will make it especially difficult to endure the long winter here in the NE (although im sure the extended philosophical discussions such as the one about what your tow vehicle says about you [thanks B.B.!] will keep me entertained!)
smooth sailing to all!
