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  • Tag, I see U have several Sunfish and from your pictures you're about the same size as me. I cannot for the life of me haul my butt back into a Sunfish. I have a pin in my right shoulder but don't think that's the problem. I think it's technique. Can U possibly send me a video or an explanation on just how to get back into a righted Sunfish?

    Thaanks Wardie
    Wardie, sorry for the late reply, I think after righting the boat, I usually scoot myself up from the back end of the boat, sliding forward on my stomach until I'm close to the cockpit. Honestly, I haven't tipped in quite a long time though, so it is stretching my memory. I mostly just haven't been able to get out sailing that much!
    I saw your post about the mast cleat install from 12/19/13 utilizing two #10 stainless steel sheet metal screws along with 3M 4200 sealant, and considering that the wall thickness on the mast is a scant 2.11MM.......I was wondering before I install my newly acquired cleat...is your install method still holding up??? Thanks for your help
    Robsblake, man I am sorry this is such a late response, I don't think I get notifications when someone posts a question here. The mast clear install is holding up just fine!
    Your subjective comments suggesting a price point based on age, I find egregious. This is a sale ad, if you have an opinion there is the "talk" section where you may pontificate to your hearts delight. As it is, your comments are insinuative and without merit. Please remove reply if possible.
    Thanks !
    I really enjoy keeping up on your blog. Just started by purchasing a Sunfish. Need a mast PO didn't tell me there was no mast. Anyways really enjoy the different things you talk about. Wardie
    Thanks! That was a sweet ride last August. Looking forward to getting out again after all my repair work!
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