Vang Ratio


New Member
Season's Greetings fellow sailors!!

I'm curious what 180 - 200 pd laser sailors use other than the new 15:1 golden vang.

I am new to the Laser fleet. I picked up an old Canadian boat with no serial or ID. It had a couple of purchase loops incorporated into the original 70's vang tackle. It was binding and hard to release, so I am going to try the original without purchase.

FairWinds to All !! :)
I use 12-1 (180 lbs)

You can see the results of a poll and comments on a poll on vangs here:
Forum Vang purchase poll

You can also get some ideas on how to rig the older vang on the drLaser site with more purchase so it's more useful, but IMHO, the new vang is far easier to use.
IMO, the old 3:1 vang is nearly useless (sorry, more than "nearly", "totally").

You found the core problem: the cleat is terrible. You can upgrade the purchase using a couple of blocks and you'll have a smooth-running 8:1 vang, but you'll always have trouble uncleating it (this is the setup I sailed with all last year, and next year I'll have the new vang hardware). It's usable, but just barely.


Geoff S.
