Struck by Lightning?


New Member
What would happen if a Fish was struck by lightning on open water? :eek:

I'd imagine it would be pretty catastrophic, at least to your boat.

Has anybody ever heard anything specific to small sailboats? The only info I could find was referring to larger yachts.

I'd never sail in a thunderstorm, but on my little lake, I do like being out in less pleasant weather, even rain, when the winds are up.

...Don't worry, I'm not gonna do anything crazy, just curious!

Photo Source - Sailing Anarchy -

Mother Nature is fickle. In one of my other groups it was reported to have blown a fiberglass mast to bits on a member's moored boat, but damaged nothing else. I've read accounts of everything from holes blown through the hull to no ill affects at all. Some depends on if the strike is a main bolt or a forking tendril. I sailed a weekend regatta at Big Mac in Nebraska where there was still buzz about a fatality by lightning the previous weekend from a thunderstorm that passed within a couple of miles of the lake, but not over it.
Best defense is not to be there, failing that do as the other post said and sail at a right angle to the storm front.

Lighting is looking for a path to ground and then a return path from ground to sky. I would not put any part of my body in the water. If it blows the boat apart, so be it.

So you like bad weather, lets say you just got hit. Your boats blown to crap and you've been knocked uncouncous. You were smart, you are wearing a Type one Life Jacket that rolls you upright in the water. Lucky for you, you had a friend on shore with a cell phone keeping watch, he calls 911 and starts the rescue. Whats not good is your nervious system has been damaged in ways knowbody can detect. You'll be dealing with the after effects of the accident for the rest of your life.

Moral of the story, always weigh risk vs. reward carefully before chosing your method of sport. If it's worth the risk to ya, I say, "Let her Rip!"
Wavedancer, thanks for the link. Good stuff there.

I'm well aware of the search feature and where it's located. Just didn't realize I was expected to search both forums before posting. My mistake.

Thanks everyone for the info!
After a bit of thought here's what I'd do if I felt a static charge building. In two steps I'd try to minimize my chance of becoming a path to ground and If I did become a path, I'd try to have the path avoid my heart by doing the following.

1. Let go of sheet and tiller.
2. Pull legs up on deck.
3. Sit on my hands.
4. Duck head to get away from boom.

Don't know if would do any good, at least I'd feel like I did something.
