Sanding Foils Down


New Member
I have wundered about how much to sand off on the foils.

They have got prietty damaged from when i have been setting off from the shore
ideal way is to fill the damaged area (most any polyester or epoxy based filler/putty will work) and then sand smooth.

The skin on the blades is not that thick, so if you have banged up the bottoms of the blades enough, the outer skin will be gone and you will be down to the inner foam, which you can't get smooth by sanding and really should be sealed to prevent water intrusion...
sounds like it... if you can dig at it with your fingernail and remove material, that's the inner foam
There are a number of threads that discuss applying epoxy to fair the
daggerboard. Search for "laser blade repair".

If the shape is correct, I think you could just paint it.

Has anyone tried using epoxy appliance paint for this? Seems like it would
be ideal.
