minimum weight for laser


New Member
Hello All
Seems I posted this question on the wrong page, sorry.
My question is, what is the legal minimum hull weight the Laser. If there is not legal weight what is the ideal weight. The reason I ask is I am looking to buy a used Laser and do not want to buy a overweight boat due to water logging or some other abuse.
The standard weight of the hull (with fittings) is 59kg / 130 lbs.

Quoting from
gouvernail: "In the early 1970s there were lots of 115 lb boats to be found. They were great prizes for some and others felt they lacked enough material to be durable. Since 1990 I have weighed about 50 Lasers. None seemed heavier than 135 lbs and none lighter than 125. I am using crummy bathroom scales and those numbers fall within the claimed accuracy range of the scale"
