Mainsheet problems


New Member
I have just returned to sailing after about a 25 year rest! Before I mainly sailed boats with transom mains like the Enterprise, I have sailed with center mains but not much. Yesterday I borrowed a friends laser and did a days racing. The biggest problems I had was the mess of ropes in the cockpit, mainly the mainsheet constantly coming tangled around my feet! Also every single time I gybed the mainsheet caught around the transom corner. There must be a technique to help with these problems?
I tie the end of the mainsheet to the back of the hiking strap to keep it from going wild. I also kick the sheet to the front and pull my feet out of any tangles.

With the transom snag, it helps a bit to roll the boat when gybing, and also to give it a tug from the block on the boom. Don't snap it or the sheet will wrap around the end of the boom and then you'll really be in a pickle!
I try and keep all the ropes as close to the front of the cockpit as possible, occasionally they get caught around my feet (normally mainsheet + kicker) and I just kick them off :)
I try and keep all the ropes as close to the front of the cockpit as possible, occasionally they get caught around my feet (normally mainsheet + kicker) and I just kick them off :)

I tie the kicker and cunningham lines to the centerboard. No more tangles and lost lines.
I tie the kicker and cunningham lines to the centerboard. No more tangles and lost lines.

I do that with the kicker and it is important. Mine has the bit of plastic pipe on the free end loop which means that, should you heel a bit then the line has a tendency to slide over the side out of reach. Tied to the centerboard and you can avoid this and always get to it.

....The biggest problems I had was the mess of ropes in the cockpit, mainly the mainsheet constantly coming tangled around my feet! Also every single time I gybed the mainsheet caught around the transom corner. There must be a technique to help with these problems?

First of all: If that are your only "problems", aft so long absence, ... congrats! :)

As for the vang's control line: you want to fix it's end to that what Merrily did advise.

It's undecided at TLF, to knot the mainsheet to the hikingstrap, or not. Some do it and some not. I am of the party to don't knot it to the hiking strap.

Often, I do care for the mainsheet, yes, it's just a constantly need, if you've time for, between the maneuveres. There is no way to go around. I know this "feet problem" - only solution is: to grab the mainsheet away of the foot and pray for, that it is not "1 big knot", if you let it out at the beginning of the downwind course....

In big winds it is better NOT to fix the mainsheet to the hikingstrap. I remember to situations, the mainsheet not was fixed to the hiking strap, but having the 8-knot of the mainsheet in my hand, outside of the hull, it did permit me to swim back, to my alone sailing Laser.... If the mainsheet would be fixed to the hikingstrap, I wouldn't have been able to get back to the boat. Okay, one restriction: In such winds, I never lose contact to the mainsheet with my hands, if I haven't fixed it to the hull.

As for the Cunningham(-system): I wouldn't knot it to the bungee of the centerboard/daggerboard. I would have it as a "big" corded rope/line, loose into the cockpit (There is a special big long corded-knot you take, sorry I can't translate it's name into English/US).

As for the captured mainsheet, there is no way to go around: "sheet-in" early/quickly enough! ;)

First of all: If that are your only "problems", aft so long absence, ... congrats! :)

Ha!! I wouldn't say they were my only problems, some of the other ones were,

Death rolls on the run, I did manage to stop them but I am not sure how!

Fell out once going to windward when the wind backed about 20 degrees, in this situation it was probably good that the mainsheet was caught around my leg as the boat took off on a reach dragging me behind it by the foot!!!

Last but not least my calfs, thighs and bum still ache like crazy 2 days later, I guess I need to get in shape before the spring!!!
