Looking for Scheidt Videos


New Member

English is not my first language so please excuse me.

I'm looking for some videos of the great champions, like Scheidt, sailing upwind.

I know that are a lot of the in the LaseCoach 2000 CD, but I'm looking for a free solutions.

I know that in the past, in drsaling there were one free video get from the LaserCoach CD, but unfortunately drlaser.org is not available.

Has any body some one?

Thanks in advanced,

I would if David were in the states. He's in Spain and I'm trying to get in contact with my friend in Germany to make him a copy. It's not easy or cheap transporting things overseas and I don't like to encourage illegal activity. I was just trying to hint at trying to get it that way.

If anyone in Spain is reading this and has a copy, please get in contact with David.

wait, I've only been to Europe once and when I was there, I met a quite a few Austrailians. Do you have any friends in Europe currently who could help David out?
i am interested in any videos if you can find any.
for all of my sailing videos i go to www.t2p.tv
They have 4.7 worlds and miami rolex OCR
Its easy to register and you dont need to pay anything to watch quality videos. www.sail.tv is also a good place to watch big boat sailing.

