Laser Hull Contour


I swear at one time I saw a diagram with measurements for cutting the countour of the laser's hull for the purposes of a trailer. I thought it might have been in the Dick Tillman book, but I cant seem to find it now...

I think I might be able to scribe the contour on a template, but thought someone had already done the work for me, so I was trying to be lazy...

I need it for a couple reasons, to design temporary 'lifts' for my lake boats to keep them Out of the water, and second to convert my single trailer into a double trailer (for which I know there are easier ways. I want to carry both boats deck up and use the voids in the contour pieces for the spars...
Re: Laser Hull Countour

I took a template off one of the old Laser polyester trolleys. It is not very precise (10
measurements with accurcay of a few millimetres). I could send it to you,
but not before next week.

I took the template because I wanted to make my own trolley.
Please contact me if you can't find anything better. Please post if you do find something
better, I'm interested!
Sincerely Bernhard
