keeping fit for sailing


New Member
to keep from being injured or tiring out during a race i have decided that i want to keep more fit and build muscles that i will most likely use when i am sailing

i have started running every day now but i am looking for more ways to keep fit

does anyone have any suggestions

im all ears

Joe S. :cool:
Get a copy of Michael Blackburn's book - Sail Fit.
Build and use a hiking bench

For exercises, target your quads, core (trunk muscles), shoulders and biceps - rowing and biking are a couple good cross training sports. Flexibility is important too, especially in the back and ankles

These are the exercises that US Laser coach Ron Rosenberg recommends to get in shape for sailing (Laser). You don't need any fancy equipment or spend a lot of time going back and forth to the gym. These isometric and strength building exercises will show great results in matter of weeks.

TRY THIS REGIMEN EVERY DAY FOR TWO WEEKS, if you don't see results then quit. BUT GIVE IT A CHANCE!

-Reach for the Sky: Lay on your back, on the floor with your knees bent about 90 degrees. Put your arms straight at a 45 degree angle from the vertical. Then lift your shoulders and upper body following your arms as if you were tying to reach for something. You don't have to lift very high, only to the point were your shoulders are not touching the ground and your stomach muscles are in tension. I think you have to get to the point where you maximize the pressure of your lower back against the floor. Hold for a few seconds ( I count to ten). Start with 12-15 repetitions.

-Pushups: Start with 25 and looking down (floor). As you get stronger, do them with your head up (looking at the horizon)

-Swimmer/Superman: Lay on the floor, on your stomach. Extend your arms and legs and lift about 30 degrees from horizontal. Hold for about 2 min. and increase time as you get stronger. (This is very good to prevent back injuries.)

-Dips: Using 2 chairs/benches facing each other. Put your feet on one of the chairs and, keeping your legs straight and at a 90 degree angle with your upper body, put your hands behind your back and on the other chair. Now, bending your elbows (only) push yourself up and down. Start with 25 repetitions.

-Wall sit: Put your back against a wall and get your knees bent at a 90 degree angle (as if there was a chair). Hold initially for 2 min., and then increase time as you get stronger. (Very important, at the Laser Worlds the top guys could do this for 40 minutes, do this during breaks between classes).

-Leg Lifts: Lay on the floor, on your back. Put your hands under your butt and lift your legs about 30 degrees from the horizontal. Hold for 2 min. Increase this time as you get stronger. (Your hands under your butt take the pressure off your lower back, this is important when starting out, try and keep your entire back in contact with the ground to spread the load throughout your abs.)

EVERY DAY complete a circuit of three different types of crunches, two of leg-lifts and two of Wall sits you are going to see results very quickly.
