Intend to try Laser


New Member
I intend to try a laser hopefully in the near future.

I sail Mirror 10 and an H-Boat.

I have done a few races with mirror 10.

Any advice,tips or training exercises that might be useful? since obviously a laser is much more sensitive and physically demanding.

I read the exercsies on DrLaser in the fitness section.

I heard the main sheet tends to get stuck to the rudder or something similar is it true?

It's pretty easy not to get the mainsheet stuck, just sheet in quickly while tacking/gybing and you'll be ok. You don't realy need to be too fit when starting out on a laser, just be sure to go out on a sort-of calm day, maybe around 5-7 knots (wind), then as you become more confident go out in stronger winds. Make sure you have somebody sailing with you incase you get into trouble ;)
