Instruments for training


New Member
Does anyone know of good instruments that can assist me in getting fast? I can sail the boat and I have some obvious work to do on my skills, but it would be really nice to know if a minor change makes a measurable difference. I find it hard to determine if I have made a 0.05 or 0.1 knot difference.

I have seen the SpeedWatch. Has anyone installed one on a Laser? What about other instruments? I have ideas for a relative wind velocity/direction instrument and a knotmeter, but if it has been done for dinghies, then I want to buy the instruments.

I realize that these are not race legal, but they would certainly help me learn and maybe help others learn as well.

Your thoughts, folks?

Sparring partner... that's where it's at. All the tools in the world will only help you so much while I have found that a sparring partner is the single best way to get fast
I agree. But I cannot get one because there aren't any around here. I've tried to find one without success. So I am opting for second best because that is all that I can do. I cannot improve things if I cannot see the effect, and without a sparring partner, I need measurements. I can set up a small course (I have) and time myself around it (I do) but the results are very dependent on wind (gusty, oscillating, and changing over time) and waves (very small) and so these timings are largely meaningless. However, a change of 0.1 knot over a 1 nautical mile course is 200 yards, a huge margin in a race.

Any suggestions for instruments?

While I'm not at all wealthy, I would be prepared to pay a moderate amount, say up to $600.
I could be convinced to go higher, but that would definitely depend on the performance of the equipment.

Wavedancer, you're absolutely right. The issue is not accuracy, it is resolution.

By my calculation, the SC-1 can sense when you have gone about one inch (0.1 knot is 1/18 th of a yard in 1 second, or 2 inches, and it has a 1/2 second update rate). If it can give me this resolution then it should do what I want it to, especially if I can turn on some averaging modes to improve apparent resolution at the expense of update rate.

Thanks for the info, and for pointing out my error.

Best regards,
As far as I know the Velocitek is the only instrument that will fit and work on a Laser and help you out with your training. However, do not use it when racing as it is not class legal.

We have had a couple guys use them in our district races, but they are "tail enders" in the fleet. This is probably the main reason why no one has given them grief over the tool.
Hi Gregson,

Before you spend your money on the Velocitek instrument check out the article on Sailing Anarchy ( you will need to scroll down to find it). It explains the limitations of the data when used for sailing up wind. As you probably already know Velocitek has a site where a lot of useful information can be found. Also, an interesting paper regarding GPS based speed measurement can be found at
There was a long discussion about accuracy of the Velocitek instrument on the Sailing Anarchy forum last fall:

However, accuracy isn't important if you just want to see how pulling a string (or whatever) effects your speed on the water. In other words, for training purposes, accuracy isn't very relevant IMHO.

If no other variable is affected (same person on same boat in same conditions), accuracy is much less important than consistency. Try the same beat/reach/run under the same conditions a few times to establish a consistent speed then tweak ONE thing, see how it affects, once THAT tweak is effective, make the most of it then try other tweaks. If you tweak 2 things at once how are you going to know which tweak made the change? You may have guessed that by profession I'm an analytical scientist but if it works for Medical Science it works for sailing!

I would recommend attending a sailing clinic or two, or getting some coaching with the $600 instead. My experience from attending six seminars and some private coaching is that it's the best investment you can make in your Laser sailing program.

The Velocitek does look like a fun toy I have to admit :)

regards, Mike S

While I'm not at all wealthy, I would be prepared to pay a moderate amount, say up to $600.
I could be convinced to go higher, but that would definitely depend on the performance of the equipment.

Hm... cool doohicky, but for $600, it seems you could prolly find a buddy with a little cash and pick up a second boat used...
hello hi i reccomend the garmin fortrex 101 or the 201 both the same but 1 takes rechargable batteries, both waterproof tells speed timer distance max speed compass and much much more i highly reccomend it its not against the rules i wouldnt think so because laser can have compasses?
You are right Al, I was responding to sailingmania who said - "its not against the rules i wouldnt think so because laser can have compasses?"
