I'm My Own Grandpa


Cush Maker
I recently ended up with a sailfish, minifish, and sunfish. The minifish and sunfish are just fine, but the sailfish is really strange. I only noticed its "problems" today. It has a sailfish hull, but a minifish sail and (I think) a sunfish rig. It sails just fun, but looks strange. A friend wants to give me a sunfish sail. Can I safely use it on the sailfish if the sailfish does have a sunfish rig? Will it alter the boat's performance too much?

Back when At & Cort were making both sailfish and sunny's the only difference was the sailfish and sunfish on the sail. Both were made by "ratsey" for sailing canoes and the guys stenciled on the fish logo's.
So go ahead, just don't try a racing sail...LOL
