I need help identifying this mutated Sunfish

Fuzzy Tobias

New Member
Can anyone tell me what my son brought home? I can't seem to find this mutated Sunfish anywhere. Can anyone tell me who built this? What it might be called? Anything might help.


You have it right - mutated Sunfish. Seems like a pic of this boat came up on this forum a few years back - almost seems like it whoever did this made 2 o them, but can't recall. Let us know how it sails!
One came up here last year, and I believe it was the same color. The trailer was definitely a different design.

As best as I can recall, it was located (or had originated) south of the U.S. border. If I could recall one of the many words we had used in describing it, a search might turn it up. (My searches did not today). :(

Does the trailer license plate show where it might have come from? If there are two of'em nearby, you can have quite a race! :)
One came up here last year, and I believe it was the same color. The trailer was definitely a different design.

As best as I can recall, it was located (or had originated) south of the U.S. border. If I could recall one of the many words we had used in describing it, a search might turn it up. (My searches did not today). :(

Does the trailer license plate show where it might have come from? If there are two of'em nearby, you can have quite a race! :)

Its got a California plate. Seems like its been in one place for a long, long, long time. Thanks
Thanks for the tip L&VW!
I went on a search of the Forum and found the post you had seen.
Here's a link:

Here's a photo of the boat owned by Sancarlosmexico

Hey so, pretty exciting to see what you discovered. We both concluded our Sunfish are different yet similar. Someone has suggested that these have been lengthened and setup for racing possibly.

I spent a few days running image searches under many terms and did not find another one. I was caught by surprise. Enlightened. Now that I have seen yours, it makes me think that these are special edition models. I promise to put my sails on the water ASAP. The logo on the tail appears to be the same one.
Who knows what we might have. It is nice to know that there's someone else out there, and I'm not alone. It would also be nice to find the source of these mutations. I spend hours searching this Sunfish Forum on a lead from L&VW that there might have been another just to find you and yours. Whoever built these babies most likely didn't stop at two. Where are the rest of these things?
I your boat is rigged like a Sunfish? With the "clamshell" upper and lower boom and sail. Mine has rigging like a Lazer or Super Sailfish/Sunfish.
I'll see if a logos search engine can find anything. Let's stay in touch.

Input wanted from naval designers on how this (drastic) change to the keel and the stern would alter the sailing characteristics.
Seen pix of International 14 under heavy wind load? The skipper runs out of footing near the transom. :eek:
