Hull Air Tight but not Water Tight???


New Member
hi all,

when the drain plug is removed there is the sound of air either escaping or entering the hull...

the immediate conclusion was 'great the hull is sealed' not letting air in or out depending on differential temperature...

however, after sailing for a couple of hours and removing the plug the same sound of air was heard but then followed by small amount of water...

so, how can water enter the hull while air isn't....

If it's only a small amount of water, could be condensation, which will happen with temp changes.

Also it's not good for your hull to be truly airtight- it can build up enuf pressure to weaken seams+joints over time. There should be a vent hole like 1/8" or 1mm diameter, underneath the front end of the hiking strap.

Short answer - if it were me (but it's not) - I'd make sure there's a vent hole open, and not invest much time in a little bit of water. YMMV.
If the vent hole is blocked, as the hull flexes it will suck water in. If the vent is open and the hull flexes, air will be pass through the vent.
There should be a vent hole like 1/8" or 1mm diameter, underneath the front end of the hiking strap.

Short answer - if it were me (but it's not) - I'd make sure there's a vent hole open, and not invest much time in a little bit of water. YMMV.

i am even more perplexed upon finding the vent hole open...
