Help me fix my cunningham!


New Member
I have the old style cunningham.

Yesterday, I pulled out the eye that leads the line from the mast back to the cleat. What do I do? Do I need bigger screws?

Does the new systems have a different way of handling the power from the cunningham, or should the deck of the boat hold it by itself, with just two small screws?

Thank you for helping a newb...
Both old and new systems use the same two screws - The amount of load on them is about the same (considering lower friction on the new system, but it also takes the outhaul load too)

It's a plywood backing piece under the deck, the most common fix is to drill the holes oversize and refill w/ epoxy/filler mix and either bed the screws in before it cures (more perm) or let it cure and then drill/rescrew.
