Fixing stitching on hiking strap ?


New Member
The sitching and clue is starting to come undone at the stern end of my hiking stap. Can I hand sitch it, and if so what thread/nylon to use. Any idea on the clue ?
Hand stitching is probably your only option on the hiking strap unless you have access to a real heavy-duty sewing machine, and want to take the hiking strap off the boat, or can get the machine close enuf to do it with just the aft end detached. If you're hand stitching you're most likely going to want or need either a thimble, or better, a sailmaker's hand patch if you can borrow one.

On the clew of the sail- you may be able to get a sewing machine to get thru that. Depends on where in the clew the problem is, and how sturdy the sewing machine is.

Thread- I found a sturdy, thick, polyester "tentmaker" thread at the local Joanne's Fabrics. It is much too thick to run in my sewing machine so I did those parts by hand. I also found another thread, less thick, but still much heavier than regular, that DID run in the sewing machine. I used a zigzag stitch on the machine for these other parts, and it's held up well for a couple years now.

In any case, you need a fully synthetic thread. Cotton will rot a break pretty quickly. Even a cotton-poly blend is not good- solid polyester, or some other synthetic fiber.

Good luck.
on the industrial estate where i worke there is a saddlery (place that repairs saddles and tack for horses) we take all of our bust toestraps, etc there and she just throws um through the sewing machene and hey presto jobs a guddun for repairing your sail as cskudder said youll need to get a sailmakers palm a pack of needles and some waxed liros thread called whipping twine
it depends on what type of hiking strap you've got, the older ones that are like a seatbelt can be sewn with a regular machine, I have repaired these types before, the better straps can be hand sewn ideally with a high strength thread, they might make some kind of spectra thread that would work well and be very strong, you'll likely also need a heavy needle and a thimble to push the needle through

A saddlery would be great if you can find one where you are
