Favorite Suppliers


New Member
Picked up an unloved Sunfish and am embarking on the process of making it a competitive boat. Will require a bloody fortune in new gear, blades, sail, lines, hardware, etc,

Any preferred suppliers? Haven't noticed anyone offering discounts but with the amount I'll be spending it would certainly help.
If you find a discount Sunfish parts supplier you'll be the first person who has...LOL This is a case of "parts is parts". They all come from Vanguard, no matter where you buy them.
APS has lots of Sunfish supplies at reasonable prices and by ordering through APS you help support this site!
Ditto on APS. They have never let me down. Quick shipping, easy returns, nice sales staff. Pricing is ho-hum.

Not to detract from the overall quality of APS....BUT.....Funny story about APS ..... my friend ordered some line and it was a mainsheet for a laser IIRC....anyways, he orders say 35 feet and they send him the end of the spool at 25 feet and another 10 foot piece for a total of 35 feet. LOL. Talk about an embarrasing phone call. He got his one piece the next day and kept the two smaller ones.
Thanks everyone.

When upgrading an oldie to a hopefully competitive racing boat the sum of all the items is considerable. Thought I'd make a list and "just do it" . Trying to save a few $$ but looks like Vanguard has the dealers locked in pretty tightly. Another Bush Conspiracy. Just kidding.
