Drying out hull???

Hi all, am new to forum and sunfish. Aquired an older model last year by default. I am now repainting and re-rigging. but hull is full of water and i need to dry it out. Previous owner drilled holes in top and turned it upside down to drain.:eek: didnt think that was appropriate so I have filled them and looking for better method. Are there any photos available that could show me the exact positions of the 4 inch access ports that I hear about? and mayby adding a stern plug would be in order too? Thanks.
Though I'm relatively new, I would suggest first installing an inspection port, they cost less than $20 and can be had online or at a local marine dealer. I just did it on my 84, and though it only had a small amount of water in it, it dried in a day. Then, you prob need to find where all the water came from.

As far as location, do a google search on "sunfish hiking strap", that will bring up a number of sites. The first step in the hiking strap install is to put in an inspection port. I put in a 6", four sounds smallish. In general, most seem to be located starboard of the dagger board slot. On mine, the left edge of the hole is 4" from the slot. Don't locate it too far aft or you will be making a hole into the lip that overhangs the cockpit. This is an easy project.

Center your port between the splashrail and daggerboard slot (most common location). Use a 6" port (I can only get my arm to the elbow with a 4", to the shoulder with a 6") and you should be able to reach the front wall of the cockpit for your hiking strap and reach forward to the mast step and other hardware (incase the blocks fall out or repairs are needed). Check Yahoo's Sunfish Sailor Files for information/diagrams about drying your SF and port locations. Forget the stern plug and only add a stern port if you have to. See Wind Line Sails http://www.windline.net/index.html for more port install tips. Also do a leak check to find and repair the source of water into the hull
