Drag Caused By Wind

You frequently hear people talk about reducing the underwater drag on sailboats. Some examples are shaped boards (given on a laser), raising the centerboard downwind, caring for the bottom (no scratches), etc. However, dicussion about reducing the wind drag on a Laser rarely happens. Many other sports have adopted various techniques for reducing windage. For example, car racing, running, cycling. Laser sailors have scratched the surface with the new tight clothing. Does anyone think about this and what is done to minimize its impact?
I haven't given it much thought...... I am sure that in very windy conditions this makes somewhat of a difference (atleast you would think it does). It is a very interesting subject, but the question I have is would it be something that would actually make a noticable difference? Personally I think it would, but only in very small increments when the wind is blowing hard. It seems to me that drag caused by wind only stops at clothing and tight clothes are as far as we can go........
