Best way to store a Fish?


New Member
I've got a garage, but no trailer. Advice on winter storage (on a cradle? blocks? suspended? if on blocks, right side up or upside down?) would be welcome.
On it's side may be best. The side of a Sunfish hull is fairly thick and stiff and will not deform (like the deck or bottom.) Short if that, storing the boat deck side down or bottom side down in a web sling (like a Seitech dolly) is good and spreads out the load evenly. I store my 'fish on its dolly off season, but used to store it on the side when I had less floor space.

Alan Glos
Cazenovia, NY
I store it bottom side down, supports under mast step for the front, and at the very rear. And I leave all openings open for drying.
