Video: Finding Wind When The Forcast is For Zero


Well-Known Member
This was back in January when California was being dominated by strong high pressure. The result when this pattern sets up in the winter is no wind. Zip. So you have to find topographical areas where the sun creates localized sea breeze effects.

Some items of note:

- All the flotsam and jetsam you see floating about is from the high tide the night before where huge swells were washing the driftwood clear over the barrier beach and into the river.

- In spite of the coastal marine forecast for no wind, and winds aloft strong offshore, the Jenner canyon did its seabreeze thing yet again... giving us up to 8-10ish mph winds at times.

This was Jeannie's first time out on the Lazer. She did good. A real sport, she is.

- Andy
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