When should you replace your sail?


New Member
What's the general consensus on replacing sails (the competitive ones you use for important events ;)):

Do you wait until the leech is blown?

Do you wait until it feels a bit soft?

Until it's covered in stress creases?

Or after every windy event?

Any thoughts?
Look around a bit on the forum. We have been discussing this topic ad infinitum here and elsewhere. I don't think you will get an easy answer. The consensus (to the extent that it exists) seems to be that if you sail a lot you should replace it about once a season if you can afford it, but that you can remain reasonably competitive with an older sail.
What's the general consensus on replacing sails (the competitive ones you use for important events ;)):

Do you wait until the leech is blown?

Do you wait until it feels a bit soft?

Until it's covered in stress creases?

Or after every windy event?

Any thoughts?
Whenever you can afford it - they may not be faster but you feel better!
If I have the money I'll retire a sail from top-level racing when it loses that new 'crispness'. When that happens depends on the conditions I raced in and how well I stored the sail in between.(ie avoiding leaving it in a hot car for days on end)
I have a hierarchy going with sails:

brand new: big, important national or international regattas (it's a feel-good thing; I'm still going to do lousy relative to the hotshots)

lost a little bit of crisp: regional level stuff or really windy national regattas

starting to get blown out but not a complete rag: weekly practice

total complete rag:taking three friends out for a ride or tearing around in the edge of a hurricane or something else ridiculous
My system:
Two sails. One new, one 'old'
New sail used for 3 seasons for summer Sunday racing and the odd open
Old sail used for winter series and everything else (practice, hurricanes, etc)
After 3 seasons new sail becomes new old sail and old old sail gets sold on Ebay for around £40
Cost of new new sail around £400 (-£40 quid from Ebay = £360)
Summer Sundays and race events actually attended over 3 years =around 60
So cost per days racing = £6 ish
