What is the best full cover for laser?


New Member
What is the best full cover for my laser? I am storing it year round in covers and i travel long distance with covers on. What covers hold up the best?
the brand Storm really holds up well and does not mold or anything. a little more money but definatley great quality. especially if you frostbite so you are taking it on and off often in cold temperatures.
I am currently using an Intensity bottom cover (3 years and still holding up great) and a Harken top cover with pockets sewn in for spars which is probably 6+ years and still holding up good.
Agreed with Marginal. The colie covers are easily the best and they break in with age but dont wear out. If you take good care of them, you will never need to replace them. I bought them for my opti and then my laser and I never bought any others; never needed new ones after the first
