Stamina Training


I am trying to get myself into shape for sailing this spring and summer. Does anyone have any ideas for building stamina for sailing other than running? I just do not like to run or jog.
One of the best is hiking. Not the let's go up that trail; but hiking just like you would in the boat. The Bible has descriptions and photo's of hiking benches that can be put together quickly and fairly cheaply.
Actually, going for a hike, especially up and down hills can help with your cardio training. Here's what I do in the off season: ride my bike (indoors on a wind trainer in cold weather), use a Nordic Trac ski machine, do yoga 5 times per week (Rodney Yee's Yoga for Athletes on DVD and VHS is a great routine-it has helped me overcome serious back problems) and weight lift. For my abs and back I also do situps, single leg extensions, and alternating leg/arm lifts laying on my stomach. I alternate my routines---yoga/weights, yoga/cardio (bike or nordic trac), and a long yoga session---and try to work out 5-6 days per week.

I must be doing something right because I donned my wet suit and foul weather gear and went sailing at my home lake this past weekend. Acton lake didn't freeze over this year and I just couldn't let another 50 degree day go by without sailing. I spent 2 hours in 10-20 mph winds with gusts into the 30's. It was a good workout and my stamina was pretty good. I was also happy to stay upright. I really didn't want to test my wet suit in the cold lake water.

The Mayo clinic website has a lot of good information on exercise. I discovered this a couple years ago when I had my back problems. Go to and type fitness in their search window. Click on the "Fitness Center." The "core training slide show" is an especially good group of exercises for sailors.
Another good source is "Sail Fitter, Sailing Fitness and Training" by Michael Blackburn. There is lots of good exercise and nutrition information in this book geared toward the small boat sailor.
