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Spars, Sail and Misc. Parts for Very Early Sailfish


New Member
I would like to get rid of a rig and parts for an early Sailfish. The booms are spruce and are 12'-8" long. The mast is made up of an aluminum lower section 4' long and a spruce upper section 5' long. The sail appears to be original and is in okay shape but is probably more desirable as an historic artifact than as a working sail. I also have some bronze rudder plate hardware as well as at least one rudder and centerboard that I would be willing to part with. All are free for the taking to anyone who has a compelling story. For example, you're working on a parent-child project or you are trying to replace an old family heirloom. That sort of thing. Otherwise I'd be happy to consider anything you want to propose however token the amount. Delivery possible throughout New England.


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The rudder hardware reminds me of a vintage Sunfish I acquired through a "yard find". Complete overhaul on it; bottom paint, cockpit, buffed out the deck to its original green with which racing stripe. Sanded and re-stained rudder, center board. New sail and rigging. The rudder hardware was really in great shape which I was relived because not sure where I would find replacement parts. Anyhow, when done sailed it for a few summers and the "passed it on" to a young man who wanted to learn how to sail. Have subsequently acquired another older boat that is in decent condition so the grandkids can learn to sail. Not real competitive but some work this summer might get it in better shape.
Just shipped one set of rudder hardware to a new owner. I'm hoping there is more interest in the rest as the seasons turn. I'd like to have this stuff go to good homes.
Just shipped one set of rudder hardware to a new owner. I'm hoping there is more interest in the rest as the seasons turn. I'd like to have this stuff go to good homes.
Very generous of you to offer these vintage parts to someone who will truly appreciate and need them. I’m sure the right person will see your listing!
surprised that I hadn’t come across your posting when it happened.
Would the sail still be available?
I’m do a couple of restorations now, one for display purposes, so the sail could be useful as is.
Yes, everything except one set of rudder hardware is still available. You are welcome to have the sail if you want it.
Baddoggoodlife has come and taken the sail rig and remaining parts so everything has now gone to good homes.
