Opinions and views on Sunfish Wind Indicators.


New Member
What is the current view on wind indicators for a Sunfish? I want to get one for my daughter because she is familiar with it from Optimist sailing. Do you like using homemade masthead indicators with a ribbon or do you like something commercial like the C-Vane or the ribbon one made by AeroSouth (see two pictures below). The vane style would be most like an Optimist that has a mast head indicator.

The mounting of the Aerosouth ribbon indicator looks pretty self explanatory. With a C-Vane how do you mount this so it works and you can see the wind came for both starboard and port sail positions? I assume it mounts to the upper boom with the frame oriented towards the bow. I have not seen any pictures of it mounted properly.


The wind indicator on the top of the upper spar, and the two choices you show are for different purposes. The one on the top of the rig is primarily for downwind sailing. The two you show are for upwind. The C-vane is the better of those two choices. The Aerosouth one has a problem in that the wooden sticks stick straight out and the streamers can get wrapped around the sticks. If you do get the Aerosouth one, don’t use the frilly streamers provided. Use the straight ones or use magnetic tape.

For the upper spar, a soda straw with either magnetic tape or yarn running through it is the best choice. It’s almost free, easy to make, and is just taped to the top spar.
