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Need a Sunfish Mast


Price $
Looking for a Sunfish mast in the Minneapolis or southern Minnesota area. Can't sail without it. :(

I have several good, used Sunfish masts at $65 - $75 each, but shipping is very expensive. If you have a way to pick one up in the Syracuse, NY area, I am happy to sell you one.

Alan Glos
Cazenovia, NY
I appreciate your response, but I have found that shipping is prohibitive due to cost. I am hoping to find one here in the midwest that I can pick up myself. I priced a new one out of Michigan which is the closest SF dealer, but shipping was twice the cost of the new mast price.
One idea. Go to a few of your local moving companies and sere if they have a move scheduled from Syracuse, NY to your area. Sometimes they will add a few small items for a very modest price and you can pick it up at their warehouse when the truck arrives. I once had a Sunfish hull moved from Charlotte, NC to Syracuse for about $50.

Alan Glos
Looking for a Sunfish mast in the Minneapolis or southern Minnesota area. Can't sail without it. :(
You might look for a local junker SF on Craig's list, which might be less than a mast and shipping. Also, sometimes you'll just see the sail and booms for sale on CL or a similar on-line marketplace in your area.
If you can add a couple stops to or from Chicago, it's not a bad trip from the Cities.
Looking for a Sunfish mast in the Minneapolis or southern Minnesota area. Can't sail without it. :(
I have a new Sunfish mast, if you're still looking - I'm in Otter Tail County, 3 hours northwest of the Cities. My dad had a dealership and we're liquidating some inventory, so I could sell it for $125.
