Mainsheet Blocks Question


New Member
Hi all,
I've just bought an Enterprise dinghy 1.5 weeks ago. It seems to be missing some blocks of the mainsheet system. I need some help to verify / challenge my thinking as I'm lost in the weeds. I'm confident in the rachet block in the cockpit and the block on the mid-point on the boom. The blocks on the transom and end of boom are my points of question.


1. Should the blocks have swivels for these two blocks? I imagine as the boom travels out that these two blocks need to rotate (swivel) - right?
2. I've bought 8mm sheets based on a website that said that's the right diameter for the Enterprise. Will most blocks work for this size sheet (rope)?
3. Should the sheet terminate on the transom or the boom? (This will determine which block has the becket.)

My boat came with a block fiddle becket cleat (i'm just learning this term). It was attached to the boom and seemed to have the cleat upside down. I tried inverting it and swinging the cleat to the other side and mounting it on the transom (for a rear mainsheet option) but it seems it's for a larger sheet as it slips in the cleat. So I might need two blocks (boom and transom) and control sheet from the centre rachet.

So I think I need:
1.) a block with a swivel
2.) a block with a swivel and a becket

The Sheet will terminate on the becket on the boom block, go down to the block on the transom, back up to the boom block. then down the boom through a mid point pulley and down to the rachet block in the mid-cockpit. Have I got that right?

I've attached some pictures.
  • The blue sky picture is the way the previous owner had it set up (this set up doesn't make sense to me)
  • The cam cleet on the boom with me trying to work with it.
  • The clam cleet on the transom but the 8mm sheet was slipping.
Photo 13-6-2024, 4 21 18 PM.jpg
Photo 13-6-2024, 4 54 43 PM.jpg
Photo 3-6-2024, 6 27 57 PM.png
1. Should the blocks have swivels for these two blocks? I imagine as the boom travels out that these two blocks need to rotate (swivel) - right?
2. I've bought 8mm sheets based on a website that said that's the right diameter for the Enterprise. Will most blocks work for this size sheet (rope)?
3. Should the sheet terminate on the transom or the boom? (This will determine which block has the becket.)
1. The boom block (which leads the sheet forward along the boom) might benefit from swiveling, the transom block not so.
2. Most basic blocks with about 40 mm sheave diameter are pretty much optimised for 8 mm rope.
3. I assume that a 2:1 at the boom end is right for the Enterprise, which means you’d deadend the sheet at the boom.

That fiddle block is not an Enterprise part.

You certainly have the general idea right; if I were you, I’d get two single 40 mm blocks, without beckets because it’s simpler to tie the sheet end directly to the boom eye, just aft of the boom block. That boom block could include a swivel.
These would be suitable:

Series 40 All Purpose Block, Loop Top
Series 40 All Purpose Block, Single

I’d also add one or two additional straps to the boom for the sheet to run through, to prevent it from hanging dangerously low when it’s slack. These can be as simple as pieces of thin-ish rope taped to the boom.

...but what’s the deal with the Flying 11 sails? :confused:

