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Kick-Up Rudder


New Member
Price $

I need a kick-up rudder for my boat. I would love to buy a used rudder from someone or get advice on whether there is a hardware kit I can buy someone has experience with.
Used ‘new style’ rudders are out there, but plan to spend $2-$250 or more unless you get really lucky and find one cheaper. Save the search on Facebook marketplace and craigslist, check daily, and a ‘wanted’ listing like yours is also a good idea. Careful, you may find a complete boat for less than the cost of a rudder- that’s how the addiction starts! Check carefully for cracks, especially where tiller attaches.
You’ll also need a 5” inspection port. Buy a Beckson brand. About $30. They’re on eBay, Amazon, any sailing site. Then a rudder gudgeon and internal backing plate, plus hardware. I’d look for used parts. I just saw them on craigslist for $30 for both parts- a great price. Lastly, you’ll need a jigsaw and some adhesive. There are lots of YouTube videos that show the process of removing the old hardware and attaching the new, or ask here once you’re ready to start!
