Hking Strap installation question?


New Member
What is appropriate for a backing block for the front end of the hiking strap? I bought the kit from APS which is a Vanguard brand hiking strap and it came with 1 eyestrap and 1 metal plate with 4 blocks and very vague instructions. I bought some eyebolts to use for the rear end to go though the lip. I am planning to install an inspection port to get behind the front. What is appropriate to put on the inside of the boat? Right now I am thinking of using the metal plate on the front side bolting into 1" diameter washers on the back side. I assume that 2 plates would make sense but it only came with one plate. I am also thinking about going back to and picking up a set of eye bolts to use for the forward end and then using the plate inside the boat.


You only need one (backing) plate; it is goes on the inner side of the hull. It's held in place by the tang (and the screws) which hold the 'forward' end of the strap; you already have the port installed to get access. Presumably, holes have been predrilled in your backing plate at the appropriate distance. Use the holes in the tang to drill holes in the forward wall of the cockpit. But first you will need a ruler to line the tang up properly on the cockpit wall. Fit the tang through the loop in the strap and insert the screws through the tang, the cockpit wall, and the backing plate. Secure with lock nuts on the inner side (I hope they were provided by APS).

Two eyestraps are recommended for the aft end of the strap.

Look at Bishop's Sunfish FAQ (Sunfish Class home page) for nice diagrams about the installation procedure and
read a previous thread "Hiking strap on '66 fish" on where to position the forward end of the strap.

Good luck!
The hiking strap kit from APS comes with the following hardware.
1 metal strap
1 small eye strap
4 8-32 1" bolts.
1 webbing hiking strap
1 small piece of 1/8" leach line.
That's it. No tang that your referring to. No nuts or anything to go on the other side of the bolts.

It came with a 1 page of instructions with 4 diagrams. What they say regarding backing the strap installation on the forward end is:
"Eyes traps with ample reinforcing thru-bolted (Seal all holes with silicone)
And that's it.

No description or details as to what "Ample reinforcing" is.
psusailor76 said:
The hiking strap kit from APS comes with the following hardware.
1 metal strap
1 small eye strap
4 8-32 1" bolts.
1 webbing hiking strap
1 small piece of 1/8" leach line.
That's it. No tang that your referring to. No nuts or anything to go on the other side of the bolts.

It came with a 1 page of instructions with 4 diagrams. What they say regarding backing the strap installation on the forward end is:
"Eyes traps with ample reinforcing thru-bolted (Seal all holes with silicone)
And that's it.

No description or details as to what "Ample reinforcing" is.

Two options:

Send it back to APS and order an upgrade kit from Windline; that's where I got mine (which I installed without problems, and I am double left handed). The Windline owner is a Sunfisher and very nice. APS is not particularly knowledgeable about all things Sunfish.

Wait for somebody else to solve your dilemma.
I don't have a dilema. I got some information from someone else finally who didn't post it here. What I am going to do is go to the hardware store, by some aluminum plate, make a backing plate out of that and use the one strap on the front to go through the hiking strap and through bolt through the aluminum plate.

My original plan was to use 1" diameter washers on the back and I'm big enough (200lbs) that I'm worried they will tear through the fiberglass or crack it enough that it softens the boat. I was asking for anyone who has done this before to ask what they used or if my original idea was sufficient.

The hiking strap install kit I bought was a Vanguard part, not something APS came up with on their own. APS did make the instructions for it since they were not in the packaging.
The plate in the kit should be installed in the footwell on the forward vertical wall. I woudl suggest you look at the FAQ about how best to use this hiking strap plate and I believe there is a diagram there. It basically sandwiches the strap against the forward wall of the foot well and you should cut a short (2" length) of line that will be placed in the sewn loop of the hiking strap. When you cinch down on the hiking strap plate with you aluminum backing plate on the insde the short length of line will keep the hiking strap loop from pulling through the sandwich of plates. Hopefull that makes some sense. Again look in the FAQs.
Say, be careful about using an aluminum backing plate if you sail in salt water. It WILL corrode and do all kinds of funny things. If you want a plate, get another piece of stainless like the one for the outside for the hiking strap.

The thought of sending the whole thing back to APS and buying from Windline would be a good one ... You'll definitely have the whole deal then. And Windline's site has great how to's.
