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2022 ILCA 4 Sailed 5 times

Michael Lynch

New Member
Price $
Lake Geneva
ILCA 4 Dinghy Complete: Element 6 Hull, Carbon
Top Section, Lower Section, Boom, ILCA sail
(numbered), Battens, Rudder, Daggerboard, Carbon
Fiber Tiller, Carbon Fiber Extension, and Clay-Allen
Kit (Vang, CA Outhaul, Inhaul Bungee CA
Cunningham, CJ Bungee System, Spliced &
Whipped Traveler, SEA Clew Strap, Marlow Fusion
Hiking Strap Adjustment Line, Rooster Mainsheet)
Colie Deluxe Laser Top Cover
Colie Deluxe Laser Bottom Cover
Colie Deluxe Laser Blade Bag 1
Colie Deluxe Laser Spar Bag
73.12002 Dynamic Dolly ILCA/Laser
Question, do you know if the mast sections are the same as for a an ILCA 6 ? A 6 would require a different boom but curious if the mast components are the same. Thanks
