Search results

  1. hospadar

    How _exactly_ do you rig your JC strap?

    For those of you using a JC strap bungee set up - how exactly do you have it set up? I don't really understand from any of the descriptions I've read how exactly the bungee is fastened/rigged near the tack of the sail. Can anyone provide clear photos of how the bungee goes through/is connected...
  2. hospadar

    Zuma rudder blade on a sunfish?

    The rudder that came with my fish needs enough love (many significant cracks to fill, very badly needs refinishing) that I was planning on just getting a new one to spend more time sailing and less time sanding and varnishing. BUT it just so happens that I have a zuma rudder laying round and...
  3. hospadar

    Leak testing/sealing

    Wondering a little about sealing up leaks - was hoping to get some clarification/tips on stuff that was not entirely obvious to me from other sources I have a new to me boat that's in decent shape but has water problems - there was a crack through the cockpit floor (now repaired) and quite a...
  4. hospadar

    Bridle setup options?

    Just got a new [to me] sunfish with a 3-loop bridle that I'm planning on replacing with a 2-looper and had a couple q's for experienced sunfisherpeople. I'm not planning on doing any class-legal racing so legality is not a concern. Mostly planning on pleasure-boating with possibly some...
  5. hospadar

    2:1 purchase mainsheet on a sunfish?

    Does anyone use a 2:1 purchase mainsheet setup (i.e. with a single becket block on the end of the boom and a traveler block on the bridle - my zuma is set up this way). I'm not concerned about class-legality, just wondering if anyone uses/prefers this setup (and if so, why?). Thanks!
