Search results

  1. G

    Heavy 1978 Laser: Diet plan?

    I put my laser on sawhorses and borred an industrial fan from a friend. I placed the fan at the foreward inspection port and blew a heck of a lot of air through it. I had removed the hull plug, etc, for repainting and there was a powerful jet of air coming out of it with the fan on. I did this...
  2. G

    Questions about Refinishing 1979 laser

    Update - Refinishing 1979 laser Since I last posted I've been working consistently on my boat. I ground off most of the gelcoat with a belt sander. I used a hand sander to smooth it a bit, applied a fairing compound and sanded again. Then I prepped the hull with an acetone wash. Last night I...
  3. G

    Questions about Refinishing 1979 laser

    There was a lot of blistering so almost everything below the waterline has been ground down. You should have seen all the dust. I'll hand sand the rest - does fairing compound like a rough surface? Or do I need to get it very smooth? Sorry for all the questions... I swear I'll post pictures...
  4. G

    Questions about Refinishing 1979 laser

    Thanks, that's very helpful -- I have an additional question, do I need to remove all old gelcoat or do I just remove the area affected by blistering, give the rest a good sanding, and then start with the fairing compound? -- Graham
  5. G

    Replacing Original Cockpit Drain

    I also have a 1979 boat which i am putting a lot of work into, and I need to purchase the brass fitting for the autobailer. Where's the best place to order on in North America?
  6. G

    Questions about Refinishing 1979 laser

    Hi, I recently acquired a 1979 laser which has extensive blistering, so I have decided to refinish it as the gelcoat is not salvageable. 1. I have started grinding down the gelcoat, and have found the glass is very soft. I expected a loss of stiffness due to the glecoat removal, but not as...
