Recent content by Sunfishsailboat52981

  1. S

    paint or gelcoat?

    I did mine. Here is the article I wrote. This is from our club newsletter. My article is over several newsletters. Read this: Then go to the next one.
  2. S

    Water in the blocks

    Is it possible to totally remove the water in the blocks after inspection ports are installed? I do not understand why the water would not just evaporate over time. Can anyone explain this to me ? Thanks!
  3. S

    a rattling hull

    The rattle could be the wood block underneath the handle. Mine came undone after 30 years of ownership. The wood is held in place with a fiberglass strap that is glassed to the deck. When the strap comes undone so does the block. Put an inspection port in and have someone tilt the boat...
  4. S

    Minifish...what fun!

    A minifish will hold upto 300 lbs.
