Recent content by Gilgamesh

  1. Gilgamesh

    Optimum sail angle

    I think it's also a question of leach... as usually is on a Laser. Let me try to explane: Starting from a block-to-block sailing condition, let's image (or try) to move the blocks towards the center of the boat, what will happen is that the aft end of the boom will be lifted some inches up in...
  2. Gilgamesh

    Any non-smokers smoke ?

    Sometimes after practice session I use to have a smoke in my laser...;) but never during a race. When wind is extremely light i bring a piece of cassette tape with me. Ciaaooooo
  3. Gilgamesh

    Ugly wrinkles are fast (downwind?)

    I agree too... just some vang in some conditions downwind.
  4. Gilgamesh

    Bored here? Click to Visit The Laser Forum

    ... Just landed from a 20 knts flight...! Good Idea. Ciao! ;)
  5. Gilgamesh

    Rigging Main Sheet Ratchet Block

    Hi all, ok Wildbank, once main block mecchanism is clear to you the only way to make some mistakes in rigging is distraction or a too quick rigging of your boat. let me suggest to use some "rituals" when rig... I mean try to observe a sort of sequence when you mount control lines and do...
  6. Gilgamesh

    Class legal improvement questions

    I think Harken vang is not the only brand allowed, You could purchase an "Holt" one the expenditure is a little lower (but don't forget that often efficiency is directly proportional to cost ;)). At least if you don't want approach the new system you can upgrade your old 1:3 vang to 1:12 using...
