Tomales Bay


Well-Known Member
I haven't chimed in for a while but have been following the posts. Went sailing on Tomales Bay last Monday and took these pictures Thought I would post them. I had gone out by myself and the wind picked up pretty good. The bay was really choppy and I was riding the waves a bit. Would have had more confidence if I had been with the masters...


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Am I seeing something new in Sunfish sails? :oops: The leading edge (luff) has five empty-air spaces between each clip. Doesn't that produce a de-powered condition? (Which could be a good thing—unless those are just regular creases from storing).
Nothing seems to be amiss...not sure(?). I had been reading an earlier thread about gel coat repair and you may remember that nasty ding I had. Have pictures of my "newbie" gel coat repair that I was going to add when I get them lined up.These pictures don't have much of a purpose except to show the boat out in the wild. That first picture came out pretty good so I wanted to put it up. When people post pictures of their boats, I really like to see them and would like to see more. Post those photos please....
Check the luff in picture #3 (the selfie).

Maybe the picture was enlarged or cropped, so the luff is pixelated?
Check the luff in picture #3 (the selfie).

Maybe the picture was enlarged or cropped, so the luff is pixelated?
Always appreciate an experienced eye, this is how I learn new stuff (probably be a while before I quit being such a newb). The wind was blowing pretty well and the sail clips don't keep the sail super tight against the booms. I remember seeing Signal Charlie tying the sail to the mast pretty tightly in one post. I had been wondering if such a modification would increase performance.
Thanks's amazing what we can do with phones these days. I never used to think about taking pictures but now even a bumbler like me can get some really good photos. Had to post that first one...
I think I mentioned how much my wife and I enjoyed sailing our Sunfish in Tomales Bay when we lived in San Francisco. We were pursued by a seal one day that ended up less than a boatlength away.

You may already know this, but the Marshall Store and Nick’s Cove are both great spots for food and a drink , and they are both right on the bay.

Over on Pt Reyes is the Inverness YC. I know they sail 210s out of there, but don’t know why other boats they have.

Also, I agree with BB - great pix and the sail looks normally rigged to me too.
I think I mentioned how much my wife and I enjoyed sailing our Sunfish in Tomales Bay when we lived in San Francisco. We were pursued by a seal one day that ended up less than a boatlength away.

You may already know this, but the Marshall Store and Nick’s Cove are both great spots for food and a drink , and they are both right on the bay.

Over on Pt Reyes is the Inverness YC. I know they sail 210s out of there, but don’t know why other boats they have.

Also, I agree with BB - great pix and the sail looks normally rigged to me too.
I do remember and you, Andyatos and eyeper put the idea in my head to get out there even though I had been thinking fresh water only....
Can you be more specific about what you mean by this? I don't see what you are referring to. - Andy
I see it's more apparent in photo #2, so now I'm counting seven openings—at the arrow. (Whatever I'm looking at, maybe it's stitching or some accidental "gathering" of sail material?)

Fullscreen capture 11102018 74409 PM.bmp.jpg
I see it's more apparent in photo #2, so now I'm counting seven openings—at the arrow. (Whatever I'm looking at, maybe it's stitching or some accidental "gathering" of sail material?)

View attachment 29096

Ah, ok... I see what you mean. If a guy wanted to close those up, just a touch more tension along the luff would do it. But... I don't see a cunningham grommet hole on his sail so he'd have to tension from the very top.

Ideally, he'd want the luff tension quite loose in light winds and tighter in strong winds. But again, no cunningham grommet that I can see.

Ah, ok... I see what you mean. If a guy wanted to close those up, just a touch more tension along the luff would do it. But... I don't see a cunningham grommet hole on his sail so he'd have to tension from the very top.

Ideally, he'd want the luff tension quite loose in light winds and tighter in strong winds. But again, no cunningham grommet that I can see.

Hi Andy, this boat just has basic rigging, I haven't even put a Vang yet. Hopefully we can meet up soon and I can get some rigging advice. Need all I can get to try to keep up with you Laser guys...
Thanks for this page Charles, I bookmarked it. Lots to learn.... There is a small lake at our local regional park called Spring Lake and is less than ten minutes from my house. I had joked about it with my wife at first, because it is so small. Found out that the Santa Rosa Sailing Club holds regular events there. Once the rains come, it will fill up and be a good place to practice and try out some of the rigging mentioned.
Yer makin' progress, Norcalsail... keep on sailin' and learnin', AYE??? I may buy a Capri 14.2 here pronto, it's on a trailer and it's only $400, LOL, be a good way to sail outta Westport and patrol the beach, even if it is a Capri, LOL. :eek:
Johnny Cash's Ghost Rider has officially been retired, LOL... and no acknowledgement is necessary, you're making strides of your own toward mastery of your craft. Just remember that MARINE SAFETY is your primary concern, all else follows in natural progression, and some may question who is REALLY the master---the boat or the skipper, LOL. Somehow this reminds me of a line I always used over the CB radio in my "trucking daze"---whenever I'd hear some hand b!tching & complaining about some incident on the road, I'd grab my mike, key it up, and tell that hand, "ANY DAY YOU DON'T KILL A WAGONLOAD OF KIDS IS A GOOD DAY!!!" Maintain a similar philosophy at sea and you'll enjoy many years of cruising, don't sweat the small stuff but be prepared for the worst that Mother Nature can toss your way, AYE??? Learn the "Rules of the Road" as well, that'll keep ya outta trouble in most crossing situations. And whenever you feel like being a NAUTICAL HERO on the ocean, remember that discretion is the better part of valor, LOL. Enough said, you're doing just fine, I'm enjoying the pics... watch those rocks in shoal areas and on the beach, one pic you posted showed a few rocks nearby that could've easily torn holes in your hull, which simply equates with additional fiberglass repair work, LOL. That's something else you should gradually learn, as a skill it'll come in handy later and save ya some money, 10-4??? I'm back to my 65" curved screen, CHEERS, MY NAUTICAL FRIEND!!! :rolleyes:
Hey, Norcalsail, you gettin' some of that bad air down there in NorCal??? It's all over the news, the lousy air quality from the fires & whatnot... don't bother going sailing in that cr@p if you're on a lake, ya might be able to sail on the coast with less aggravation, no fun breathing that cr@p while you're trying to have a good time. I still remember the 3-or-4-day stretch of heavy smoke & ash down on the coast in Dago, life in general was miserable for those outdoors... no point in sailing under those conditions, better to wait till that cr@p clears and you can breathe fresh air. Damn, there's a story on TV right now and the narrator said that dozens have already died... jeez, be careful, Bro, I still wanna see Hero Cam video of the Fish off the coast, LOL. :rolleyes:

P.S. Rain next week, according to the talking head newscaster, might clean up the atmosphere a bit... :confused:
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Hey, Norcalsail, you gettin' some of that bad air down there in NorCal??? It's all over the news, the lousy air quality from the fires & whatnot... don't bother going sailing in that cr@p if you're on a lake, ya might be able to sail on the coast with less aggravation, no fun breathing that cr@p while you're trying to have a good time. I still remember the 3-or-4-day stretch of heavy smoke & ash down on the coast in Dago, life in general was miserable for those outdoors... no point in sailing under those conditions, better to wait till that cr@p clears and you can breathe fresh air. Damn, there's a story on TV right now and the narrator said that dozens have already died... jeez, be careful, Bro, I still wanna see Hero Cam video of the Fish off the coast, LOL. :rolleyes:

P.S. Rain next week, according to the talking head newscaster, might clean up the atmosphere a bit... :confused:

Yeah CR, it's pretty bad here. I had been hopin for some westerlies and a bit of clearing by now. I've got some time in the upcoming week and wanted to sail but there is a lot of smoke and unhealthy air. Hopefully the rain will come soon. I mentioned a lake in the local county park that is small but sailable and less than 10 minutes from my house, but it's a bit too shallow right now. If it fills up, it will be a great place to learn more. They say stay inside but, you know, it's air and it goes in your house and out of your house so I might go anyway and Tomales could be better than here. There is a plan among some of the local sailors to go to Drake's Estero next Saturday and that will be really great weather permitting!
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I had been hopin for some westerlies and a bit of clearing by now... There is a plan among some of the local sailors to go to Drake's Estero next Saturday and that will be really great weather permitting!

DUDE, you're starting to sound like a SALTY DAWG, LOL... CHEERS, BRO!!! I'm back to my live college football game (Memphis at SMU), but Tomales Bay may be the venue of choice if westerlies kick in to clear out that unhealthy cr@p in the atmosphere, AYE??? You're doing great, man!!! I'm going to look at a Flying Scot manana, if I buy her and fix her up, it'll be like sailing an aircraft carrier after the Laser & Minifish, LOL. Meh, no worries, I'll make that aircraft carrier stand up & do tricks, plenty o' beer on each cruise will help make that happen, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Remember, MARINE SAFETY FIRST!!! :eek:
