The Laser Forum unreliable?


I have been having a lot of trouble with The Laser Forum not being available many times when I go to the site. About half the time, no matter what browser, computer, or internet service, the site doesn't come up. Anyone else have that problem? Is there some kind of problem with the hosting?

It can often be slow. Normally the main delays are when first going to anywhere on the site so I suspect the delays are in the DNS when the name is being resolved. Once visited then it is better (not fast but better).

This is the first I have heard of any trouble accessing the site. I visit several times a day without any issue. It does sound a lot like a DNS issue. If you try to access the site and its down visit our IP address and see if you can reach us: Unfortunately, we are about to change the way the site functions over the next few hours so you won't actually be able to post using our IP address but you will be able to tell if the forum is online.
We are back online! Today's outage was planned and completely in our control and had nothing to do with the problems mentioned in this thread.
