Status of new design sail for Laser Standard?


New Member
The December 2008 edition of 'Laser World' references progress on two proposals (one from North and one from Hyde) to modify the Laser Standard sail with a decision to be made at the next World Council Meeting in Halifax.

Does anyone have any feedback on the progress of the evaluation and if a change is likely to be implemented in 2009.

If they ever decided to go with a new sail, and that's a real big if, I think it would be at least 2011 before you would see them. Major changes like this in a one-design class move very slowly.
One of my programs I help out wiht got two prototype sails donated to our program by North. They had some changes in the sailcloth... looked possibly like mylar? I'm not good with sail cloths... and a reinforced mast sleeve. The reason we got them were they were rejected by Laser Performance as a possible new design of the sail. I've sailed them once... currently not a fan. They don't feel as fast. i also havn't had them out in a good blow yet either....
Is it going to be expensive?

The December 2008 edition of Laser World states:-

"The TMC reviewed the status of two proposals to modify the Standard sail. One design, from Hyde, is a bi-radial cut using a yarn tempered cloth which aims to improve quality and durability while retailing at around the same price. The second, from North, modifies the standard cross cut shape slightly to address some shape issues, adds improved reinforcements at key wear points and aims to improve durability while decreasing cost. Both proposals were well received and, after a lengthy discussion, the TMC and builders agreed on a common set of objectives to improve quality and durability while maintaining the current performance. The next round of prototyping will begin soon with the goal of making a decision on the time scale of the next World Council meeting.
The TMC will meet again next summer before the World Council meeting in Halifax. Sailors who have questions, comments, suggestions, etc. can contact the Technical Officer at [email protected]."
I think it was mentioned in another thread by AlanD that currently the sails are being made with mid 80s methods. How about just for a simpler sail change just changing to new technology which will probably drop the price and not make a huge performance difference.
As it turns out, an update on the status of prototype sail testing is being prepared now and should soon be posted to the ILCA website... but no spilling the beans here before its out... (nor do I have a target date for posting either other than "soon").

Also, I think price drivers in the current sail have been beat to death on another thread... just changing the sailcloth is not going to be a silver bullet here...
