

Ive seen lots of sailors with sponsors on thier sails and having money and support for their sailing. Im looking to get sponsorship myself now.. What sort of things should i be looking to get out of the deal and what should i give back in return ? How much money should i ask for...how much is too much and how much is it not worth the hassle ? help please :confused:
If you're trying to get to the olympics go for as much as you can get,

what you'll get depends on how big the sponsor is, some sponsors might be looking for good results while others might be looking for media coverage ect. Some sponsors might be looking to sponsor a team like the US Sailing Team.

Try your local laser dealer, email some of the clothing and manufacturing companies directly, you can probably pick up a small sponsorship through your friends and family through their connections. If you can pick up even a small sponsor that will give you free or discounted gear that is a big step.

Keep trying and don't give up!
what do company's look for when they sponsor people. do they care more about results or do they care more about something else. if so what do they care about the most
I appreciate it is not clear from the original poster but I believe he is UK based.

We do not really have a network of Laser dealers, most stuff is bought direct from LP (there are a couple of 'dealers' where you can buy a brand new boat and numerous chandlers where you can get off the shelf spares).

So the lad will have to look elsewhere. In which case finding a sympathetic local company who likes to support local teams or local people is his best bet. Also (if he is working) then speaking to his employer may work. I know a number of people who have done this successfully to get new sails etc..
Can I suggest you don't ask for money specifically when approaching companies. Ask for support towards your goals.

Some companies won't give you actual money but will give you discount off their products or buy items for you. Asking for money is not always well received.

Make sure you are professional and show how keen you are when making any contact with companies. If after initial contact they ask you for any information then supply it in full. One company I work for occasionally asks everyone contacting them re sponsorship to complete a form with all the info they require. Anyone sending a form back with blanks is an instant no.
