Splash Guard Coaming Adhesive


New Member
I have a 60's vintage Sunfish with the splash guard coaming missing. The deck where it was attacged has remnants of hard adhesive. Does anyone have a good idea what this adhesive would be (in the 60's) and/or how to remove it?


Some years of that vintage had a vinyl gasket between the coaming and the deck. The ones I've worked with were just a plastic sheet sandwiched in the assembly. They were never stuck down with adhesive so removal was just a matter of gently scraping up the crumbled and degraded pieces with a putty knife. If you have something glued down that may have been an owner repair or caulking used as replacement. Caulk is the common material used now. Caulk removal is also a putty knife or single edged razor blade job.
Some Goomba possibly used 3M5200 or epoxy figuring the magic caress of super adhesive would make everything it touched bomb proof. That illusion probably lasted right up to the second some kid sat on the splash guard and shattered it. Hope I’m wrong or you have a real job ahead of you that will probably require a sander or a heat gun.

