NY DOWNSTATE Sunfish Regional


New Member

The NY Downstate Sunfish Regional is coming up. It will be held on SAT AND SUN, September 24 and 25.

It is being hosted on the Great South Bay in Sayville, by Wet Pants Sailing Association.

We are expecting very nice weather (the water will be warm) and the sailing good.... we have had sailors from Upstate NY, Pennsylvania, NJ, Connecticut, Massachusettes, Rhode Island and Venezuela participate.

Limited housing will be available, but please email me at: [email protected]

See you there!

Can't make it that far, Lee. Have you been to the upstate regatta? How's the attendance there. I have to choose that one or Devil's Lake and I'm leaning toward Devil's Lake.
Hi Tim,
Coming from Erie, PA, the upstate regional at RCC is probably about 2-3 hours closer for you...I have heard that people are coming from New England and Pennsylvania, along with the locals, we should have between 20 and 30 boats.

We have a great race committee and have hosted numerous regionals, along with the '99 Pan Am Trials and the 2004 US Masters.

Hope to see you in September!

Mike Fortner
Rochester Canoe Club
