newbie question


New Member
I just got my first laser and have been looking around this forum gathering information about it. One thing that has me concerned though that I haven't seen discussed is when I pull on my hiking strap I get some flex where in hooks up at the stern end of cockpit. The gel coat is also cracking a little around that area. Is this flexing normal or is there a support back there that is rotten or broken. The boat seems to be in great shape otherwise and from my searching around this forum I have determined it is an '82 model built in '81.
There is a 5x8" block of plywood glassed onto the back of the cockpit wall. The wood screws go thru this, aproximately in the center. If you have a lot of movement, the screws may have worked loose.

You could fill the holes with epoxy, and reinsert the screws in the same place. Or move the screws up or down a little to new holes. Or put in an inspection port, then reach in and put nuts and washers on some new bolts.

I'd put the port off the center line, so the tiller doesn't hit it, and far enough back that I could reach the other fittings that might eventually need work.

Al Russell 182797
