Newbie fron Mexico


New Member
Hi everyone,

I'm planning to buy a second hand standard Laser here in Mexico. The truth is that even though Mexico has a huge cost line sailing is not as popular as it ought to be, so my options are limited and I want to buy best boat possible.

I started sailing in Spain when I was a kid (I'm 34) and I know the basics and really I'm eager to re-take it. I'm quitting paragliding (sport I love but a three people had died in recent months and I think that is a wake up call). I will sail at a lake, not the sea.

Can you guys help me with some tips that will help me get started? what do I have to pay special attention to when buying a second hand boat (forget the budget)?

Thanks a lot and forgive my english.

luispgs said:
Hi everyone,

I'm planning to buy a second hand standard Laser here in Mexico. The truth is that even though Mexico has a huge cost line sailing is not as popular as it ought to be, so my options are limited and I want to buy best boat possible.

Can you guys help me with some tips that will help me get started? what do I have to pay special attention to when buying a second hand boat (forget the budget)?


Lots of good info:
Hey, your English is great! Welcome to The Laser Forum. At least you won't be buying a boat like I have the last two years--in the winter freezing our buns off. That situation makes you rush and maybe miss problems when assessing a boat.
