Mast Cleat. Horn or Clam?


New Member
From what I can gather the horn is preferred by most and used for both the main halyard and Jens line. Installing a clam restricts the use of the cleat so it can only be used for the Jens and the main must rely solely on the deck cleat.

Has thinking on this changed?

Thinking about using the clam but don't want to be disappointed and have to revert to horn.

Use a horn cleat. The clam is nice when there are frequent changes in line position and they can slip. A clam cleat is a one direction cleat, up. If you use the tail of the halyard as a vang, you lose the holding power of the cleat. The horn cleat works in 2 directions at the same time, up holding the sail in position, and down when the halyard tail is used as a vang or mast retainer. Using a horn on the mast with a low/no stretch halyard means you can raise the sail, cleat it off and forget about it changing (slipping). With the correct size line (3/16-1/4") and cleat (4"), you will have room for both your halyard and jens. I used a metal cleat I found at Lowes for flag poles, it has flat center section and can be pop riveted in place. Don't forget to tie the tail of the halyard off at the deck.
Red I agree use a Horn cleat, It will not slip, I purchased mine at West Marine. It is A 4" heavy plastic or ABS type material. I drilled and tapped it and used stainless bolts and a little sicilicone. Looks and works great.
Red, Wind,

I initially used a 4" nylon horn cleat that I also got at West Marine. One horn broke off and I ended up using the deck cleat for that race. That is when I stopped at Lowes and picked up a metal cleat.
Red I hear ya about the nylon horn cleat, thanks for the info on the breakage, I will switch mine over to metal also.
I buy the sunfish deck cleat from APS. It comes with the fasteners and it is a metal cleat. Takes any guess work out.
I am attaching an aluminum horn cleat to my mast. What did you guys use to fasten yours? I plan on using aluminum pop rivets, since the load will be almost completely a shear one. Does anyone have any different ideas or thoughts?
When I attached mine, I just used normal metal screws. I marked the holes, then drilled a pilot hole, sealed all of it with a silicone material, and screwed it in.
