Making a purchase


New Member
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Hi.... this is my first post. so umm, hello.
So, Thursday I intend to drive for 4 hours, then buy a laser (used), somehow load it into my ford ranger, and drive back home....
Any input? things i should look for in a used boat? super easy hauling tips? i plan to take an assortment of ratcheting straps, bungees, blankets, etc. basically i am looking for absolutely any pointers any one might have...... Thanks!

look for any soft spots in the deck to make sure it is sturdy. also check to see if the mast step leaks and if it has ever been repaired. you can tell if it has been repaired because there might be a large outline of a square type shape around the mast step. im just curious how old is the boat.
at least a 6 year old boat ... i really dont know much about it and with 240 miles between us i cant just have a quick check....
list so far:
1, look for a square around the base of the mast
2, probe deck for soft spots

any advice on how to determine age from a serial number? or how to find said number?
when i say a square im talking about an outline on the deck that would show that it had at one time been replaced but if its only 6 years old it probably hasnt been replaced. also check to see if the mast step leaks by putting water in it and waiting a while and see if the water level changes. if it does that means there is a leak, also how much are you paying and what does it come with.

and as for the age look on the transom (back of the boat) next to were the rudder would mount there should be a serial code and the last two numbers is the year it was made.

also, use the search tool to find more threads on this subject.
my comparative shopping says that it is older than six years....
im paying 500 - it comes "ready to sail" with a dolly that needs new wheels

so i should pour water into the cylindrical hole where the mast goes - as well as look for a square on the dech that would indicate that a new part had been installed - would this part look like a sleeve with a square shaped flare at the top end?

list so far:
1, look for a square around the base of the mast
2, pour water into the mast hole to discover leaks
3, probe deck for soft spots

btw... Thanks so much for your help
ooohhhh, a 500 dollar laser sounds like its either being sold by someone that doesnt know the value and doesnt think it is worth much so you may be getting lucky, but sounds like it is most likely a beater boat that should be good as a beggining boat and as a good project boat.
I am a complete begginner... maybe its best i not get too fancy a boat
I imagine that i will beat it up a little bit myself - basically i would like to get a year or two of learning out of it....
Hi Cale, welcome to the forum. The buying guide is good and here's another pretty good quick summation of what to look for.

I would think you will haul the boat on top of the Ranger, not in it. With the help of the seller, put it up there deck side down. A roof rack would be useful here, but not vital for a short trip. You can use the blanket to protect car and boat from scratches and the ratcheting straps should hold it down nicely. Don't tighten it too too much or you can damage the hull. The boat should weigh 130 lbs. The mast pieces can go into your car but will stick out the back. I don't know the configuration of the rear door of your car, so this may be tricky. A roof rack would solve any problem there.

Go to to see what complete new boats look like. Be aware that there is old style rigging and new style (Pro). Yours will likely have the old which is very basic. Hope you find a nice boat!
$500 for a six year old laser is an absolute steal... caveat emptor... a 9 year old boat went locally for $1600 with the trailier and THAT was a pretty cheap price...
