Laser Tuning Article similar to this

Hi All,

I've been reading about setting up the laser. I think I'm getting close on the downwind and reach. Upwind however, I'm still confused on. I searched through some posts on here but found a lot of conflicting info and bits and pieces.

I just read this article though which I found by searching in here; Setting Up the Rad Rig by Ryan Mynth which was just what I was looking for. Seems I need a new cunningham. Does anyone know if a similar article exists specifically for the full rig?

I know it is old-fashioned, but books can be ultimately helpful! The book that I personally really like is Dick Tillman's "The Complete Book of Laser Sailing." Make sure you get the 2005 version which includes all the new rigging. This book is relevant for starting laserites as well as experienced sailors. Benn Ainslie's book is good as well, but a bit more aimed at the more experienced sailors (sometimes you need to read his tips three times before it starts to make some sense). There are some other books as well, but I think Tillman's book is great and will definitely get you going.
I've read 'The Complete Introduction to Laser Racing'---Edited by Ben tan. It seems to be a complete book covering all aspects including nutrition, training--seems to be for more experienced sailors tho. I am reading it AS THO I am experienced....The only section, interestingly enough, that I do not understand, is the section on rigging the boat!! All this talk about 'purchases' (NO, not going to the store and buying anything) and the pictures simply leave you guessing as to whats going on. I suppose when i get my first Laser I'll be looking at it , and the whole thing might make sense.
The NA Office MIGHT have some Ben Tan books. JR Futcher carried 80 copies into the Annapolis office and Sherri told me she had "some" books passed on to her.
If you are going to spend $30 on a Bob Tan book. And if you want to help the NA Class. You MIGHT be able to buy one from the class.
Note: She may have had other books or they already may have been sold. The other 50 odd books JR left in Annapolis that night were pretty good too. (Tillman, Ainsle, Blackburn) If Sherri still has Laser books, make an offer!!!
Thanks for your thoughts guys. I really appreciate it. I'll check out some books when I have a chance. Only thing is, I like to look at them before I buy instead of ordering blind... and there is nowhere near me to buy. SOOO if you see an article similar to the one mentioned online, let me know. Otherwise, when I am near a spot with Laser books on hand, I'll check them out. Have a great holiday sailing season.

