Laser Sailors who can't count, confuse the race committee !!!


Couldn't let the members of this forum not read about the scenario that developed at a recent regatta here in the Pacific Northwest.

The situation: 10 lasers competed in a two day regatta. Total races completed was 5 with a throw out. Start/finish line was restricted.

The last race on Sunday had the lasers doing a windward/leward 3 times around. It was windy and most of us were pretty tired towards the end of the race. Sailing upwind on the last upwind leg, the race committee finishes most of the boats, which was just up wind of the windward mark. As I cross the line in middle of the fleet I look back and see two other boats going around the windward mark, yelling "you guys only went around twice". Myself and the boat who finished in front of me decided we would go ahead and surf down wind and do another lap, then recrossing the start/finish line after these two boats who thought every one was short. Personally I lost count of how many times I had gone around, and thought it wouldn't hurt to do another lap.

Race committee ending up giving me my first cross of the finish, but they were thinking about tossing those who went across start/finish line twice. Was a funny scenario because the race committee didn't really have a good grasp on how to score the last race. For sure this club will never send the lasers around 3 times again. It's obvious we have trouble counting!!!!
I got dead last in this race being one of the guys going around what I thought was the 'full # of laps'

One of the sailors said it best, the only thing we know, Laser Sailors can't count!
