
You can tell the kicker is too tight if you can't bear away going downwind.
You can tell the kicker is too tight if you slow down when you put it on.
You can tell the kicker is too tight if you can't get under the boom in a tack.
You can tell the kicker is too tight if the boom breaks.

You can tell the kicker is too tight if you can't bear away going downwind.
You can tell the kicker is too tight if you slow down when you put it on.
You can tell the kicker is too tight if you can't get under the boom in a tack.
You can tell the kicker is too tight if the boom breaks.

Merrily - thank you for the most merry response...

Wavedancer - at this point, upwind and on a reach.........

Currently, this is my experience and 'knowledge'.....if my kicker is too loose, then the laser is very unstable on a reach and beat....I don't know how much tension is sufficient (I have already capsized by this time).......
